Welcome Remarks

Posted by myblogs Saturday, June 23, 2012 0 comments

Hi, I am Manross Vasquez Alsagon, 19 years old and currently studying my degree in Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. I celebrated my birthday every 28th day of September, and this coming September, I will be turning 20. I have a lot of things enjoying to do so like swimming, drawing and editing some photos like what you are going to see in here. Anyway, I created this blog of my own just to have some fun, share my thought and ideas about whats going on in this world and in my life. As of now, I currently engaged (not going to be married) hahahaha, but engaged in the world of blogging while studying. Next year, I am going to graduate with my bachelor's degree and I am hoping that everything will be fine. I hope that God will guide and help me to overcome the trials and problems that I will encounter. Hope to passed my thesis of course! :). Welcome to my blog guys! I hope you can get something in here. You are free to post your reaction and comments, just don't embarrass me and don't make me feel so disgusting :). 